Are you looking for a handbag manufacturer? Look no further! In this article, we will explore different handbag manufacturers in five different countries – USA, China, Italy, India, and Vietnam. These handbag manufacturers may have different backgrounds and traditions, but they have the same passion when it comes to creating high-quality handbags from high-quality materials to satisfy consumers worldwide.
Handbags are very popular and are being used as an accessory in the whole world whether you are a man or woman, young or old, or have a different culture and beliefs.
A handbag is a bag in small to medium size and preferably used to carry personal items such as makeup, keys, and wallets. It is mostly used by women, and it is often carried by hand or over the shoulder, which adds as an accessory to improve your overall look. Handbags can also be called either purses or pocketbooks. They come in different sizes, shapes, and styles to meet the different preferences and needs of the consumers.
We have gathered these manufacturers of handbags from five different countries to help you in your handbags manufacturer hunt.
Portchester USA is a handbag company that creates high-quality handbags from the finest quality materials. It was foundedin New York nearly four decades ago. It can produce up to 50 full-size handbags and up to 20 small goods per day to meet the demands of its loyal customers.
They mainly produce handbags, wallets, and satchels; MOQ will vary on different products. Additionally, they offer sample and design services.
LBU Inc. is a leading handbag manufacturer based in Paterson, NJ. They are known for their exceptional quality and stylish designs, catering to fashion-conscious individuals worldwide for over 30 years. Their handbags are made from polyester, satin, clear PVC, and leather.
They can also make custom handbags with low MOQ requirements especially for those independent designers or small business owners. Their handbag production is also efficient to make sure final products are delivered on time. They have 2-3 weeks lead time.
GFG Bag Manufacturer has been manufacturing handbags for 15 years. They are located in Bristol, Virginia and aside from handbags, they also produce men’s, business, wine, ammunition, and tactical range bags from different materials like leather, polyester, and more.
Lead times take about 4 to 8 weeks, but if you need the product to be done as soon as possible, then you can request to sign a contract called “time is of an essence”, which means they will prioritize your order and will make sure it will be completed and delivered on time.
The custom bag company is a handbag manufacturing company that produces custom bags such as tote bags, duffel bags, backpacks, messenger bags, and more. The Custom Bag Company can guarantee you with quality craftsmanship and attention to detail using the finest materials like polyester, nylon, leather, canvas, etc.
The custom bag company, from the name itself, customize bags in different colors, sizes, and designs, depending on customers or consumers preference. They also offer a wide customization options such as personalized embroidery or screen printing. They offer low MOQ for as low as 100 pieces with short handbag production times of 4-6 weeks.
Giggle Handbag in Los Angeles, CA, has been a handbag manufacturer for 27 years. The Giggle Handbag manufacture bags with bold patterns, bright colors, and quirky designs, from quirky animal-shaped bags to vibrant fruit-inspired designs. Their product is made from different materials such as leather, canvas, and eco-friendly fabrics to make their unique handbags products. They also offer design services which are helpful for customers who don’t or can’t think of their own designs yet. Contact them for MOQ and handbag production time.
Cut and Stitch Ltd in New York is one of the top handbag factories in the USA. They mainly make clutches, shoulder bags, and totes that are made from high-quality materials. Aside from handbags, they also produce all clothing apparel, leather goods, and more. If you are not ready yet to manufacture, you can avail their hourly consultation services from $200-250.
Komely Enterprises Ltd has been a handbag manufacturer since 1980 in China. They manufacture handbags and small accessories. They mainly produce handbags, carry, backpacks, hobo, wallets, shopper, and woven bags. Their MOQ will depend on their production line capacity. Their payment term is a 50% deposit, and the 50% balance will be paid before shipment.
The One Packing Solution has been a manufacturer of custom bags in China since 2009. They manufacture handbags, cooler bags, backpacks, laundry bags, and more for clients all over the world. They can make custom bags with any materials you prefer and offer free samples. Once the payment is confirmed, they will provide you with 7-12 days turnaround time of delivery. Additionally, they will offer you a warranty in case there is damage to the product before it reaches you.
Rays Jade has been one of the leading handbag factories in China and was established in 2004. They manufacture handbag clutches, wallets and other leather accessories for ladies and men. Their main markets are America, Australia and Europe. They offer OEM/ODM services and customize designs, colors and materials. Also, the MOQ of their products is 100 pieces.
Bjarne Handbag Manufacturer has been manufacturing handbags for over 18 years and it’s located in DongGuan, China. They produce different bags, such as tote bags, fanny packs, cosmetic bags, shoulder bags, backpacks, travel bags, etc. and offer low bag MOQ. Their bag quality will be the same as the one made for Zara, HM, Fila, and more. Additionally, they have 24/7 customer service and can guarantee you on-time delivery.
J.D. Handbag Factory is a Chinese handbag manufacturer that has manufactured thousands of styles of handbags like shoulder bags, clutches, crossbody bags, waist bags, and more. They have three handbag factories located in Cambodia, Dongguan & Sichuan. They accept ODM/OEM, Private label, etc. Contact them for MOQ and handbag production delivery time.
SLBAG has been China’s leading designer ladies’ purse, wallet, and handbag manufacturer for 16 years. They have exported handbags to 25 countries already. They mainly manufacture handbags, backpacks, wallets, leather goods and more. With an MOQ of 300 pieces and a minimum requirement of 100-300 pieces per color for 1 design. Their production lead time would be 45-60 days.
Niccoli Bags has been manufacturing handbags in Florence, Italy since 1972. They have been making the luxury of authentic made in Italy handbags such as women’s handbags, wallets, travel bags and other small leather goods from exotic (reptile, crocodile, fish), leather (Cavallino, calf, ostrich, goat, nappa, etc.), and fabric materials (nylon, jeans, PVC etc.).
They worked for many Italian brands, like Ferre, Prada, Ferragamo, Versace, Malo, Giorgio Armani, and Braccialini. Their MOQ is 100 pieces with 3-4 weeks lead time.
Luxury Leather Italy Ltd is a company that manufacture handbags in Italy since the year 1969. Their main products are leather handbags, custom bags, and fashion accessories. They are the ones who manufacture handbags for some of the luxury brands, including Dior and Versace. They also offer free consultations. Contact them for MOQ and handbag production time.
Ism Italia Srl mainly manufacture handbags specializing in high-quality leather goods, leather and vegan materials accessories. They are located in Fermo, Italy and have served over 82 brands. They provide designs and manufacturing solutions to handbag companies. Contact them for MOQ and delivery turnaround details.
I Medici is an Italian leather handbag manufacturer with a wide selection of handbags, messenger bags, laptop cases, chess sets, briefcases, luggage, organizers, and backpacks. Each handbag is made from the finest Italian leather, sourced from tanneries known for their exceptional standards. Contact them for MOQ and handbag production time.
Loipell Ltd is one of the well-known leather handbag factories located in Florence, Italy. With over 40 years of manufacturing experience, they can provide a complete handbag production cycle. From sourcing the finest leather materials to designing and crafting exquisite handbags, Loipell Ltd ensures every detail is meticulously executed. Contact them for MOQ and lead time details.
Bellini has been one of the leather handbag manufacturers in Florence, Italy, for over 50 years. Known for their impeccable craftsmanship and elegant designs, Bellini has become a favored brand among fashion-forward individuals worldwide. They have no MOQ for their already-made handbags. They also offer samples and private labelling. Contact them for MOQ of customize handbags.
Deeya Bags is a handbag manufacturing company based in Calcutta, West Bengal, India. They have provided complete branding solutions, from designing to luxury packaging, since 2003. They specialize in making Leather, Cotton, Canvas, Jute, Polyester, handbags and accessories. They also have exported their products to different countries, including the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, and the USA. Contact them for further information on MOQ and delivery time.
Hari Om Leather is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, and has been a handbag manufacturer since 2014. From the name itself, their main material is leather. They manufacture handbags, lady purses, wallets and other small leather accessories using the finest leather materials. With a deep understanding of craftsmanship and a passion for delivering exceptional products, Hari Om Leather has established itself as one of the leading handbag factories in the industry. They offer a low MOQ (50 pieces) of bags.
Nekton India is a professional handbag manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, India. They started in 2011 with a vast collection of products, including handbags, travel bags, laptop bags, travel pouches and other small goods.
Over the years, Nekton India has established itself as a reliable and renowned player in the handbag manufacturing industry. With a dedicated team of skilled designers and craftsmen, they do not fail to produce and deliver high-quality products that go beyond customers’ expectations.
Nath Brothers is one of the handbag factories in India. They specialize in Leather Bags, Canvas /Fabric Bags (Solid and Printed), Embroidered Bags, and Bags in Jacquard Fabrics. Some Leathers they offer are Aniline, Drum dyed, Nappa, Nubuck, Suede, and Cow Split. Nath Brothers is committed to producing high-quality handbags that reflect their customers’ unique styles and preferences. Contact them for MOQ and lead time details.
Stan India is a leading leather bags manufacturer and leather handbags manufacturer in India. They manufacture leather handbags and other leather produscts as per clients’ specifications. They also offer private-label leather handbag manufacturing services. Contact them for MOQ and handbag production time.
True Trident Leather is the leading manufacturer of leather goods in India. They manufacture handbags and other goods like belts, wallets, jackets, garments, etc. Their products are crafted with precision and expertise, using the highest quality leather sourced nationwide. Moreover, they offer custom productt and private label manufacturing.
Senda Vietnam is a bag manufacturing company with two handbag factories in Vietnam and China. They mainly produce cosmetic bags, toiletry bags, mummy bags, cooler bags, luggage covers, travelling organizers, sports bags, shopping bags, etc., which are known for their high quality, durability, and stylish designs made from high-quality materials.
They also offer private label, OEM, ODM, and OBM services. Their MOQ is 500-1000 pieces in their store in Alibaba.
King Loy Enterprise Co., Ltd. is a handbag company in Long An, Vietnam. They mainly manufacture handbags, shopping bags, wallets, satchels, and hobo from the finest materials, such as genuine leather, durable fabrics, and sturdy hardware. Contact them for MOQ and handbag production details.
TBS Group is Vietnam’s largest and highest-quality handbag manufacturer in the early 2020s. They focus on high-end handbags for women, men’s bags, wallets, backpacks, and travel bags. Their extensive range of products is crafted with precision and impeccable attention to detail, ensuring that each piece embodies luxury and sophistication.
Although its establishment has not been long, TBS’s Handbag manufacturing industry has made a strong impression with its speed of development and access to big brands, creating customer trust. TBS is a trusted partner of famous brands worldwide, such as Coach, Decathlon, Vera Bradley, Tory Burch, etc.
Hasun Company Limited is a handbag manufacturing company in Vietnam. They were established in 2012, and their main markets are Europe, Australia, the USA, and FDI companies in Vietnam. Aside from handbags, they also make backpacks, briefcases, and suitcases of various designs and sizes.
Their production capacity is 30,000 monthly products with an MOQ of 500 pieces.
Fortuna Leather is a “Made in Vietnam” leather product manufacturer established in 2015 in Ha Noi, Vietnam. They are a direct factory producing high-quality leather products from Genuine Leather and Faux Leather. They mainly manufacture handbags, leather wallets, leather belts, and other leather products.
They always make sure their products’ quality is at best during their handbag production process in order to meet the customers’ expectations. Their primary market is Vietnam but can supply worldwide.
HANOIPIE Co., Ltd is a bag company that manufacture handbags in Ha Noi, Vietnam, since 2011. Aside from handbags, they also make backpacks, travel bags, suitcases and more. With a dedication to quality craftsmanship, HANOIPIE Co., Ltd prides itself on producing stylish and functional bags that cater to the diverse needs of its customers.
Their main markets are Vietnam, North America, Eastern Asia, and Southern Europe. Contact them for MOQ and handbag production time.
The handbag manufacturers in the USA, China, Italy, India and Vietnam have established themselves as prominent players in the global market. Each country offers unique advantages and strengths that contribute to its industry’s success.
At Bjarne Handbag Manufacturer, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and craftsmanship. We are a self-owned bag factory with over 18 years of creating timeless and elegant handbags and have exported handbags to over 50 countries. We offer free samples, free designs, custom bag manufacturing, labeling and more. Contact us today!