Professional China bag factory, ODM Bags

Company profile about bag factory

Dongguan JunLong Leather Co., Ltd. as a China bag manufacturer, it was established since 2005, it,s located in DongGuan, China. It mainly makes PU leather bags, polyester bags such as backpack, travel bags, lunch bag, tote bag, pet bag, apron etc. It has a team of more than 100+ workers.

The bag factory has a team of more than 100+ workers. And it has 2 handbag cutting machines, 80 single lockstitch machines, 10 Cylinder bed compound feed lockstitch sewing machines8 computer pattern sewing machines. Etc. It could make about 100K-150k pcs handbags each month. And as handbag OEM manufacturer, it makes brand bags such as Fila, Zara, HM etc.

Welcome to inquire the bag manufacturer. Contact us Now.

Our bag factory Pictures

Our Mission

We are commited to manufacturer satisfied handbags for Clients.

Our Values

We strive to make environmental handbags, and try to use Recycled material to reduce the pollution.

Which bespoke bags are made in Bjarne bag manufacturer?

At Bjarne bag factory, we could make PU leather bags and Cloth bags at the same time, cloth such as nylon, polyester, canvas, jute, felt etc. We could develop the bag samples within 7 days, and it,s provided for free.

Custom 17in laptop backpack
Aa bag manufacturer, bepoke rolltop backpack, travel backpack, laptop backpack, sports backpack, mummy backpack, school bag etc.
Lunch bag&Cooler bag
As bag lunch bag manufacturer, it makes lunch bags for Black+Blum, Mary Square etc.
euro tote shopping bags
Promotion bags
As bag lunch bag manufacturer, it makes lunch bags for Black+Blum, Mary Square etc.
Wholesale large cotton tote bags for travel
Travel bag
As bag manufacturer, it could make travel bags with nylon, polyester, canvas etc material. It could be customzied as your design or samples. The MOQ could be low to 300pcs.
Digital printing bulk cosmetic bags wholesale
Cosmetic &Toiletry bag
As a bag manufacturer, it could make 200k pcs cosmetich bags each month. The PU leather, nylon, polyester, craft paper material could be used.
Three levels temperature control heating scarf
As a bag manufacturer, we also make apron, heated scarf. And provides the embroidery patches.
Women's small faux leather shoulder bag custom
Shoulder bag
As a bag factory, the sample time about 7 days, the mass production 30 days after sample confirmed.
stylish concealed carry fanny pack
Fanny Pack
As a China bag manufacturer, the custom fanny pack could be made.It could make 100K pcs each month.
Bags by Fabric
As a bag manufacturer, it could make all PU leather bags, cloth bags and a few leather card case, note book etc.

Why Choosing Bjarne bag manufacturer to custom bags?

As a custom bag manufacturer, located in China. We provide the suggestion to choose the fabric, logos (Printing, embroidery, woven label etc.), the shipment. And the quality will be the as the brands  such as Zara, Fila, Fiorelli etc. We specialise in making brand bags and quality bags. And it,s one-stop service provided including send the goods to your appointed place. 

Bjarne handbag factory Machines

handbag cutting machine
Handbag Cutting Machine
The Bjarne handbag factory has two cutting machines. Most of the polyester, nylon, cotton and PU leather bag could be cut. And it could cut about 150K pcs bags each month.
computer pattern sewing machine
The bag factory has 8 computer pattern sewing machines. It could sew different regular and irregular sewing.
Handbag Silk Printing
For Bespoke bags, a highlighted logo is very important for brands or advertisment. Silk printing is a common way for bespoke bags.
Handbag Single lockstitch machine
The bag factory has 80 single lockstitch machines, it could allow 80 workers to sew handbags at the same time. It could sew about 100-150K pcs handbag each month.
Folding edge machine
To make bags quality better, some Leather bags need to use it to get straight edge. The bag factory has 1 foding edge machine.
Cylinder bed compound feed lockstitch sewing machine
Cylinder bed compound feed lockstitch sewing machine
The bag factory has 12 Cylinder bed compound feed lockstitch sewing machine.
Edge Oil painting
The bag factory has the edge oil painting, It could make PU leather bags. If you have the PU leather bags, Welcome to Inquire. 

Trusted China bag factory

Bjarne has abundant experience to manufactuer all types of bags,  all the bags will be carefully checked and 100% x-ray checked.