Handbag Factory

Firstly, the quotation for customized processing of luggage is related to the material of the luggage. The prices of bags made of different materials also vary, for example, the price of leather bags is higher than that of canvas bags. In addition, the size of bags can also affect the price, for example, larger bags will be more expensive.


Secondly, the quotation for customized processing of luggage is related to the style of the luggage. The prices of different styles of bags also vary, for example, the price of simple style bags may be lower than that of complex style bags.


Finally, the quotation for customized processing of luggage is also related to the customized quantity of luggage. If there are a large number of customized bags, the price will be relatively low; If the customized quantity of luggage is small, the price will be relatively high.


In summary, the specific amount of quotation for customized processing of luggage will vary depending on factors such as the material, style, and quantity of customization of the luggage. If you need to customize your luggage, we suggest that you first understand the market situation and then choose a suitable manufacturer for customization, in order to obtain more favorable prices and more satisfactory products.

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