Bjarne, your custom handbag factory
Bjarne has been in the bag manufacturing since 2005, and has adpated assembly line to keep production efficient and competitive. With skilled worker and serious quality management, It has provided stable good quality bags.
We provide high-quality, enviromental bags to help improve your brand, and have your cost competitive.
Bag Catalog
As a bag manufacturer in China. Bjarne can wholesale bags such as backpacks, travel bags, waist bags, lunch and cooler bags, cosmetic bags, large event bags, promotional bags, shoulder bags and more. You can also customize bags made of different materials such as cotton, felt, pu leather, jute, polyester, nylon, denim, RPET, etc., with a variety of colors and craftsmanship to choose from. Samples will be sent out in 5 to 7 working days. Customers can choose stock bag samples to add their own LOGO, or they can submit samples and drawings to customize their own personalized bags.
Travel bag
Fanny pack
Lunch bag& Cooler bag
Cosmetc &Toiletry bag
Promotion Bag
Shoulder bag
Other Bags
Bag by fabric
Wholesale custom backpack catalog
As a wholesale custom backpacks manufacturers, Bjarne bag factory supplies rolltop backpacks, sports backpacks, laptop backpacks, travel backpacks, mummy backpacks, school bags, etc.
Customized wholesale travel bags
As a bag factory, Bjarne customized wholesale travel bags, such as duffel bags, shoe bags, travel organizers, card holders, with fast delivery and high cost performance.
Wholesale custom fanny packs
As a bag supplier, Bajrne supports Wholesale custom fanny packs, such as men fanny pack, women fanny pack, and belt tool bag. Samples are sent out in 5 to 7 days. There are a variety of colors, processes, materials, and specifications to choose from. Customized LOGOs are supported. We also support customers to contact us with samples or drawings for production.
Customized lunch bags-cooler bag wholesale
Bjarne customized lunch bags, cooler bags wholesale, such as cooler bags, lunch bags, wine bags, golf cooler bags, etc., with a variety of materials, processes, and specifications to choose from. Samples will be sent in 5 to 7 days. Customers can add their own LOGO to the stock bags. , you can also provide samples and drawings for processing and customization.
Custom Makeup Bags-Personalized Toiletry Bag-Cosmetic Bags
As a bag supplier, Bajrne supports wholesale custom makeup bags, personalized toiletry bags, cosmetic Bags, a variety of colors, craftsmanship, specifications, materials to choose from, customized LOGO, samples will be sent in 5 to 7 days, high cost performance. Customers are welcome to send samples or Drawings are customized for wholesale.
Custom wholesale promotional bags
As a bag supplier, Bjarne supports customized wholesale promotional bags such as drawstring bags, promotional tote bags, shopping bags, mesh bags, etc. Customers can choose to stock promotional bag samples to add their own LOGO, or they can provide samples and design drawings for processing and customization.
Wholesale custom shoulder bag
As a custom bag manufacturer, Bjarne supports wholesale customized shoulder bags, such as crossbody bags, shoulder bags, camera bags, diaper bags, laptop bags, etc. Customers can freely choose in terms of color, material, craftsmanship, style, specifications, etc., or they can give us samples or drawings to design personalized shoulder bags, and the samples will be sent within 5 to 7 days.
Custom logo aprons-wholesale custom embroidered patches
Bjarne supports wholesale custom embroidered patches, custom logo aprons and intelligent electric heating scarf, with a variety of styles, colors, craftsmanship and materials to choose from. Samples will be sent in 5 to 7 days.
Fabric gift bags wholesale custom
As a fabric gift bags wholesale custom factory, Bjarne supplies fabric bags of different materials, such as cotton bag, felt bag, PU leather bag, jute bag, polyester bag, nylon bag, RPET bag, denim bag, EVA box and real leather products , welcome customers to customize processing with samples and drawings.
Which types custom bags could be manufacturered by Bjarne custom handbag factory?
Custom handbags inculding backpack, travel bags, fanny pack, cooler&lunch bags, cosmetic bags, shoulder bags, Promotion bags, Apron, Embroidered patch, heated scarf, skateboard bags, surfboard bags, pet bags etc.
It has 1000+ different handbag stytles, welcome to inquire your china handbag supplier.
Which material could Bjarne use to custom the handbags?
As a China handbag factory, it provides so many material for your bespoke bags. It includes Canvas(/organic canvas), Polyeser(/RPET), Nylon, pu leather, Leather, Jute, Denim, EVA, EVA, TPU, Netting fabric etc. We will provide suggestions for you to choose the best material for your custom handbags to reach your quality, budget, and other requirements. About the detailed material suggestion, please Read.
Why trusting Bjarne custom handbag factory?
1. Bjarne is a BSCI, SEDEX Audit professional custom bag factory, It has manufactured bags for 19 years.
2. Bjarne has abundant bag manufacturing experience. It has developed more than 1000+ styles.
3. Bjarne manufactures bags for brands such as Zara, Tommy Hilifiger, Fiorelli the whole years. It has the good quality and stable delivery time
4. Bjarne has the one stop service, it could save your time and cost.
Trusted China handbag factory
It could make all kinds of handbags, from small coin bags, card case, to middle such as backpack, tote bags, travel bags, and to large such as ski bag, surfboard bags. It could make cloth bags, leather bags, PU bags. Welcome to inquire your bespoke bag manufacturer.